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Fast Reload

Fast Reload

Mega Modz Fast Reload Mod For PlayStation Controller

You’re about to read the latest and up-to-date PS4 Pro Modded Controller instructions. If you’ve purchased your controller before 1/14/2019 then visit the archived page as you may not happen to have the updated version.

This article contains the following sections:



At Glance

Fast Reload can technically be called a glitch in the Call of Duty games. When you press the reload button (Square), your character begins to reload. The ammo clip bar will actually reach a full bar before the animation sequence of the reloads is done. If you hit your “Change Weapon” button (Triangle) twice very quickly just after the ammo reaches a full bar, but before the animation sequence has completed, you can start firing again sooner than your opponent. Thus you have just completed a "Fast Reload" because it's faster than letting the full reload animation sequence play out. Getting the timing down perfectly is very difficult. This is where the Fast Reload feature of our modded controller comes into play. It will automatically wait out this delay and press the “Change Weapon” button for you just at the right time.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Fast Reload offers 10 sub-modes and 3 different configurations that work differently. Choosing the right sub-mode for the game you play is critical.
  • There is no such thing as a universal Fast Reload sub-mode. Depending on the gun you play with, each sub-mode has to be configured with custom timing.
  • Fast Reload will cut reloading time by roughly 30% from normal reloading. Let’s say if the average reloading time for Assault Rifle in COD games is 4 seconds, the Fast Reload feature will reload your gun as soon as 2.8 seconds.


Turning the Mod ON & OFF

To turn the Mod ON

  • Hold the mod switch and then tap the Square button.

How To Turn Fast Reload Mod On How To Turn Fast Reload Mod On at PS5

How To Turn Fast Reload Mod On How To Turn Fast Reload Mod On at PS5

One of the open LEDs will glow in BLUE indicating that a special feature has been activated.

How To Turn Fast Reload Mod On How To Turn Fast Reload Mod On at PS5

  • Fast Reload is now primed and ready to go. To perform a Fast Reload, press the reload button (Square). The modchip will take over and perform the special Fast Reload every time you press the reload button.
    Be sure to tune in the timing for your particular gun (see below).

Want to learn more about how LED MOD Indicator works? Click here

To turn the Mod OFF

The mod can be turned OFF the same way it has been turned ON (see above).

The mod can be turned OFF the same way it has been turned ON (see above). Modes located on 2 - 4 LED Indicator slots (Including Fast Reload) can be turned OFF all at once by holding down the mod button on the back and tapping the button X.

How To Turn Fast Reload Mod Off How To Turn Fast Reload Mod Off at PS5

How To Turn Fast Reload Mod Off How To Turn Fast Reload Mod Off at PS5

All 2, 3, and 4 LEDs will turn off indicating that all special features have been turned OFF.

Checking Current Sub-Mode

The mod offers 10 sub-modes. You can always check what sub-mode you have currently active by following these steps:

  • Make sure the Fast Reload mod is ON.
  • Hold down the mod button on the back.
  • Hold down the Square button for 3 seconds.

How To Check Current Fast Reload Sub-mode How To Check Current Fast Reload Sub-mode at PS5

How To Check Current Fast Reload Sub-mode How To Check Current Fast Reload Sub-mode at PS5

The LED indicator will flash all 4 slots in WHITE indicating that the modchip has entered a sub-mode checking menu. It will then show the number of a sub-mode you have currently active:

  • 1ST Sub-mode - 1 Red LED, the top left LED slot is taken
  • 2ST Sub-mode - 2 Red LEDs, top left and right slots are taken
  • 3RD Sub-mode - 3 Red LEDs, top left, top right, and bottom left slots are taken
  • 4TH Sub-mode - 4 Red LEDs
  • 5TH Sub-mode - Top Left is in Green, and all the rest are in Red
  • 6TH Sub-mode - Top Left and Right are in Green, and the bottom Left and Right are in Red
  • 7TH Sub-mode - All LEDs are in Green except for the 4th (bottom right) 4th one is in Red
  • 8TH Sub-mode - 4 Green LEDs
  • 9TH Sub-mode - Top Left in Blue, all the rest are in Green
  • 10TH Sub-mode - Top Left and Right are in Blue, and Bottom Left and Right are in Green

How To Check Current Fast Reload Sub-mode

Upon checking the sub-mode, the modchip will automatically take you to the place you were before in 3 seconds. You are welcome to expedite the process by pressing the mod button on the back and exiting the sub-mode menu.

Want to learn more about the Sub-Modes Indication? Click here

Changing Sub-Modes

To change Fast Reload sub-modes, you will have to go thru the sub-mode checking menu first (see above):

  • Hold down the mod button on the back.
  • Hold down the Square button for 3 seconds.

The LED indicator will flash all 4 slots in WHITE showing that the modchip entered the sub-mode menu. It will then show the number of sub-mode you have active currently.

  • Use the R2 button to increase the number of sub-mode or use the L2 button to go down on a sub-mode.
  • To save the setting, you will have to press the Mod Button.

NOTE: Keep in mind, there is a “3-second rule” that applies every time you check or change sub-modes. If you’ve been inactive for more than 3 seconds, the modchip will exit the sub-mode menu automatically.

TIP: There is a “Quick Sub-Mode Scroll” option available on every Mega Modz Controller allowing you to get to the desired sub-mod quickly and avoid waiting for the modchip to go through the sequence of sub-modes.
Quickly tapping the R2 button a number of times increase the sub-mode number by the number of times the R2 button was tapped, getting you to the desired sub-mode rapidly. Quickly tapping the L2 button a number of times decrease the sub-mode number by the number of times the L2 button was tapped, getting you to the desired sub-mode instantly. Example: You have sub-mode number 1 active, tapping the R2 button 2 times quickly will take you to sub-mode #3. Tapping on the R2 button 5 times quickly will take you to sub-mode #6.

There are 10 sub-modes available:

Sub-Modes Unit Delays Modern Warfare Weapons
1 42 Assault Rifles: AK-47
2 48 Assault Rifles: Killo 141, M4A1, M13 Marksman Rifles: EBR-14
3 52 SMG's: Uzi, MP7
4 53 Assault Rifles: FN Scar 17
5 58 SMG's: AUG
6 59 Assault Rifles: FR 5.56 SMG"s: PP 19 Bizon
7 62 SMG's: MP5
8 80 LMG's: SA 87
9 208 LMG's: M92
10 231 LMG's: PKM

NOTE: The latest software update that has been released on 2/5/2020 eliminates the need for configuring unit delays in programming mode. All 10 sub-modes are already preset for Modern Warfare Guns.

NOTE: The timing for each mode can be custom-tuned for your specific gun via a programming mode (see diagrams below). You must select the right sub-mode depending on the game you play and enter the correct Fast Reload unit delay time for your gun. One unit delay is 10 ms (1UD = 10ms)

NOTE: Fast Reload does not work on some shotguns or sniper rifles. Fast Reload only works on guns that have a clip - it will not work on guns where the bullets are loaded one at a time. There are several different factors that affect Fast Reload, including the attachments that you select. An attachment such as Fast Mag will actually change the Fast Reload timing. Different guns have different Fast Reload settings, and if you have the Fast Mag attachment selected, your Fast Reload timings will change again. It’s recommended to trade for any other attachment rather than using Fast Mag while having Fast Reload mod ON.

LIMITATION: Fast Reload and Auto Heal mods cannot be used simultaneously, therefore it won’t let the user activate them both at the same time. Choosing one over another will replace one by another on the LED Mod Indicator.

NOTIFICATIONS: Mega Modz modchip technology notifies you when mods get turned ON and OFF. The modchip will send a signal to rumble motors anytime you activate or deactivate mods. The feature will allow you to focus on gameplay and keep your eyes on the screen without looking at the LED Indicator.

Want to learn more about Mega Modz Haptic Technology? Click Here

Setting Up Custom Values

Don't like the pre-tuned speed we've provided? Create-your-own!

Fast Reload delays are programmed by individually setting the hundreds digit, the tens digit, and the one's digit. For example, if the reload delay is 105 units, "1" is the hundreds digit, "0" is the tens digit, and "5" is the ones digit.

If you haven’t done so already, we strongly recommend learning how custom speeds indication works here before entering a “Programming Mode”.

You've mastered the use of Fast Reload and you’re ready to dial in your own custom Fast Reload speed. Fast Reload can accept a “delay number” from 0 through 255. Smaller numbers are for the weapons that naturally reload faster.

Let's begin!

  • Turn ON Fast Reload.
  • Hold the mod switch on the back and then tap the PS4 Home button. All four LEDs will light up in WHITE to let you know that it’s waiting for further input.
  • Tap the Square button and the modchip will take you to the hundred digits slot. Let’s say your values started at 130 unit delays. The mod will light up the “hundreds” digit on all 4 LEDs.
  • Tap the R2 button to increase the “hundreds” digit or tap the L2 button to decrease the “hundreds” digit. The mod will blink LEDs to let you know what the current number is. When you’re happy with the number →
  • Tap the mod switch to move to the next number. Now we’re at the “tens” digit and you can adjust the numbers here. Follow the procedure from above.
  • Tap the L2 button to decrease the “tens” digit, and tap the R2 button to increase the “tens” digit.
  • Tap the mod switch to save that digit and move to the “ones” place.
  • Lastly, we’re at the “ones” digit place. Follow the procedure from above to change the numbers (if needed) one last time.
  • Tap the L2 button to decrease the “ones”, and tap the R2 button to increase the “ones”.
  • Tap the mod switch to save your selection. The mod will blink all 4 LEDs in red 3 times very quickly and exit the programming menu saving the last setting.

NOTE: The controller will always remember the last programming speed you have before powering down.

There is an “8-second rule” that applies every time you enter the “Programming Mode”. If you’ve been inactive for more than 8 seconds, the modchip will exit the programming menu automatically.

TIP: There is a “Quick Speed Scroll” option available on every Mega Modz Controller allowing you to get to the desired speed quickly and avoid waiting for the modchip to go through the sequence of speeds.
Quickly tapping the R2 button a number of times increase the speed number by the number of times the R2 button was tapped, getting you to the desired speed rapidly.
Quickly tapping the L2 button a number of times decrease the speed number by the number of times the L2 button was tapped, getting you to the desired speed instantly.
Example: You have speed number 1 active, tapping the R2 button 2 times quickly will take you to speed 3. Tapping on the R2 button 5 times quickly will take you to speed 6.

If you would like to only check custom numbers then, after entering a programming mode and pressing the Square button, you can see the numbers in the slots without changing them by pressing the mod button and skipping the adjustment part.

It will look like this:
1. Turn ON Fast Reload Mod.
2. Enter a programming Mode.
3. Tap the Square button to get into Fast Reload custom speeds.
4. The first digit slot you’ll see is the hundreds. See the number and press the mod button.
5. The second digit slot is the tens. See the numbers and press the mod button.
6. The third digit slot is the ones. See the numbers and press the mod button to exit the programming menu.

Compatible Games

Fast Reload Mod is compatible with all recent Call of Duty games. It will also be compatible with future COD titles.

Happy shooting!

Having issues operating your Fast Reload Mod? Visit our Help Desk for troubleshooting.

Fast Reload Programming Unit Delays For COD MW:

Assault Rifles Delays
Kilo 141 48
FAL Incompatible
M4A1 48
FR 5.56 59
Oden Incompatible
M13 48
FN Scar 17 53
AK-47 42
AUG 58
P90 Incompatible
MP5 62
Uzi 52
PP19 Bizon 59
MP7 52
PKM 231
SA87 80
M92 208
MG34 Incompatible
Marksman Rifles  
EBR-14 48
MK2 Carbine Incompatible
Kar98K Incompatible

Fast reload programming unit delays for COD BO4:

Assault Rifles Delays
ICR - 7 48
KN-57 56
Submachine Guns  
MX9 51
GKS 49
Light Machine Guns  
VKM 750 178
Tactical Rifles  
ABR 223 61

Fast reload programming unit delays for COD WW2:

Rifles Delays
M1941 59
STG44 46
FG42 66
BAR 46
SVT-40 56
Submachine Guns  
PPCH-41 49
TYPE 100 43
WAFFLE 28 46
M1928 43
MP-40 43
Light Machine Guns  
MG 15 149
BREN 172
MG 42 173

fast reload programming unit delays for cod infinite warfare:

Assault Rifles Delays
NV4 52
R3K Incompatible
KBAR-32 58
Type-2 60
Volk 60
Submachine Guns  
Erad 57
FHR-40 58
Karma-45 46
RPR Evo 63
HVR 51
Light Machine Guns  
R.A.W. 94
Mauler 148
Titan 85
OSA 52
MacTav-45 50

fast reload programming unit delays for cod4 modern warfare remastered:

Assault Rifles Delays
M16A4 52
AK-47 52
M4 Carabine 52
G3 52
G36C 52
M14 52
MP44 52
Submachine Guns  
MP5 60
Scorpion 75
Mini-Uzi 75
AK-74U 52
P90 61
Light Machine Guns  
M249 SAW 181
RPD 201
M60E4 238

fast reload programming unit delays for cod black ops 3:

Sub Machine Guns Delays
Kuda 43
VMP 43
Weevil 50
Vesper 47
Pharo 52
Razorback 43
Light Machine Guns  
BRM 173
Dingo 150
Gordon 173
48 Dredge 173
Assault Rifles  
KN-44 46
XR-2 42
HVK-30 46
ICR-1 46
Man-O-War 61
Sheiva 56
M8A7 47

fast reload programming unit delays for cod ghosts:

Assault Rifles Delays
SC-2010 50
AK-12 60
Sub Machine Guns  
Vector CRB 42
Light Machine Guns  
Ameli 145
LSAT 177
Chain SAW 175
Marksman Rifles  
IA-2 57
SVU 50
Sniper Rifles  
USR 68
Lynx 77
VKS 65
Bulldog 46

IMPORTANT: If you don't see your weapon in the chart, it means it is incompatible with the Fast Reload mod.

Having issues operating your Mega Modz Controller? Visit our Community Forums for troubleshooting.

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