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All Xbox Mods

Armor Repair Assist

Armor Repair Assist

Mega Modz Armor Repair Assist Mod For Xbox Series X/One

This article contains the following sections:

Download XBOX Armor Repair Assist MOD INSTRUCTIONS

 Download XBOX Armor Repair Assist MOD INSTRUCTIONS

At Glance

Game Mechanics. In COD Warzone your character can clip up to 3 plates of armor, and each plate adds 50 hit points to your character’s health pool. This gives you a total maximum health of 250 if you have all 3 plates equipped. This 250 applies to headshot, as well as body shots even though the armor doesn’t cover your character’s head. In addition to wearing up to 3 plates of armor, your character has room for 5 armor plates in his inventory and you can purchase a full stack of 5 armor plates for $1,500 at a buy station. Once a plate has been damaged or broken, it can be repaired with one of the plates from your inventory. Your character will always restore a partial armor plate before installing a new one. For instance, if you have 80% of the armor plate left, then the very first armor plate that you put in during the repair process is only going to take that armor plate up to full.

There are 4 phases of fixing armor.

  • In the first phase, you put away your weapon and you equip the armor.
  • Your character then unzips his or her armor vest and installs the first plate or armor (takes the most time out of the complete repair sequence).
  • If you continue to hold in the armor repair button, your character installs a second or third plate of armor.
  • And then finally you switch back to your gun.

Overall the whole process takes about 4.5 sec for most weapons.

Improving Armor Repair Time.

  • Always repair your armor 2 or 3 plates at a time whenever possible. Repairing armor one plate at a time is much slower then repairing all 3 plates at once.
  • If you have pistols or sub-machines guns equipped and need to repair your armor go ahead and do that first before switching to bigger guns as different types of weapons tend to have different repair timing. As a general rule the bigger the gun the more time it takes to repair your armor.

Mod Mechanics. The Mod has been designed to ease the armor repair process and take away a need to hold down the switching weapon button (Y) for up to 5 seconds. The Mod ability allows the user to free up the thumb finger and get a better focus on aiming and shooting. There are 2 ways to execute the mod. Depending on your gaming style and preferences you will get to choose between 3 different sub-mode configurations.

  1. When the mod is activated, In order to repair armor, the user needs to double-tap on the X Button. This configuration covers all types of guns and will repair armor up to 3 plates at once.
  2. When the mod is activated, anytime the user briefly presses the Left Trigger (aiming button) the modchip will hold down the repair button (Y) on the user’s behalf. This configuration covers all types of guns and will repair the armor 1 plate at a time. 
  3. The third sub-mode combines the functionality of both sub-modes (1 and 2) and lets the user chose the most appropriate way to repair armor depending on the circumstances. Briefly press the ADS (Left Trigger) button to repair armor one plate at a time or double-tap on the Square button if you need to repair armor 2 or 3 plates at a time. 

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The Armor Repair Assist Mod is only compatible with COD Warzone. It won’t work in any other game. Activating and using this mod in other games may cause unnecessary errors and confusion.
  • The mod does not change the game code, meaning it won’t do anything the game is not allowing. For instance. It won’t repair your armor if you don’t have available armor plates. And it won’t speed up the repair process. All the mod does is pressing and releasing the right buttons at the right time for you.
  • Understanding the game and mod mechanics is crucial as using the mod without knowing its abilities may cause errors.

In Depth

Turning the Mod ON & OFF

To turn the Mod ON

  • Hold down the mod button on the back of the controller
  • Hold down the Right Bumper and then tap the Y button

How To Turn Armor Repair Assist Mod On

How To Turn Armor Repair Assist Mod On

How To Turn Armor Repair Assist Mod On

One of the open LEDs will glow in PINK indicating that a special feature has been activated.

Armor Repair Assist Switched On

Want to learn more about how LED MOD Indicator works? Click Here

To turn the Mod OFF

The mod can be turned OFF the same way it has been turned ON (see above).

Modes located on 2 - 4 LED Indicator slots (Including Armor Repair Assist) can be turned OFF all at once by holding down the mod button on the back and tapping the button A.

How To Turn Armor Repair Assist Mod Off

How To Turn Armor Repair Assist Mod Off

All 2, 3, and 4 LEDs will turn off indicating that all special features have been turned OFF.

Checking Current Sub-Mode

Armor Repair Assist offers 3 sub-modes. You can always check what sub-mode you have currently active by following these steps:

  • Hold down the mod button on the back
  • Hold down the Right Bumper button and then hold down the Y button for 3 seconds

Checking Current Sub-Mode

Checking Current Sub-Mode

Checking Current Sub-Mode

The LED indicator will flash all 4 slots in WHITE indicating that the modchip entered the sub-mode checker menu. Then it will show the number of a sub-mode you have active:

  • 1ST Sub-mode - 1 Red LED, the top left LED slot is taken
  • 2ST Sub-mode - 2 Red LEDs, top left and right slots are taken
  • 3RD Sub-mode - 3 Red LEDs, top left, top right, and bottom left slots are taken

Checking Current Sub-Mode

Upon checking the sub-mode, the modchip will take you to the place you were before in 3 seconds automatically. You are welcome to expedite the process by pressing the mod button on the back and exiting the sub-mode menu.

Changing Sub-Modes

To change Armor Repair Assist sub-modes, you will have to go through the sub-mode checking menu first (see above).

  • Hold down the mod button on the back.
  • Hold down the Right Bumper and then hold down the Y button for 3 seconds.
  • The LED indicator will flash all 4 slots in WHITE indicating that the modchip entered the sub-mode menu. It will then show the number of sub-mode you have active currently.

Use the Right Trigger to increase the number of a sub-mode or use the Left Trigger to go down on a sub-mode.
To save the setting, you will have to press the Mod Button.

NOTE: Keep in mind, that there is a “3-second rule” that applies every time you check or change sub-modes. If you’ve been inactive for more then 3 seconds, the modchip will exit checking/changing the sub-mode menu automatically

TIP: There is a “Quick Sub-Mode Scroll” option available on every Mega Modz Controller allowing you to get to the desired sub-mod quickly and avoid waiting for the modchip to go through the sequence of sub-modes.
Quickly tapping the Right Trigger increases the sub-mode number by the number of times the Right Trigger was tapped, getting you to the desired sub-mode instantly.
Quickly tapping the Left Trigger decreases the sub-mode number by the number of times the Left Trigger was tapped, getting you to the desired sub-mode rapidly.
Example: You have sub-mode number 1 active, tapping the Right Trigger 2 times quickly will take you to the sub-mode #3. Tapping on the Right Trigger 5 times quickly will take you to the sub-mode #6 (if available)

There are 3 sub-modes available:

Sub-Modes Activation Button Configuration Performance
1 X Y (repairing button) gets remapped to the X button Double-Tap on the X, the modchip will hold down the Y(repairing button) for 5 seconds.
2 Left Trigger Y (repairing button) gets remapped to the Left Trigger Anytime you release the Left Trigger the modchip presses the Y (repairing button) for 350 ms
3 X and Left Trigger Both the above configurations in one sub-mode Advanced setting for ultimate performance. Double-tap the X button and repair your armor up to 3 plates at a time. Or briefly press the Left Trigger to repair the armor one plate at a time.

NOTE: The first sub-mode will use as many armor plates as it needs to fully repair the armor. Keep in mind that it will only apply to the number of available plates in your inventory. If you need to both reload your gun and repair armor, decide which action you want to perform first.
- Press the X button once to reload your gun.
- Double-tapping on the X will repair your armor.
The downside of this configuration is that while the Y button is being held down for 4.5 seconds by the modchip the user won't be able to interrupt the process. During this sequence, you won't be able to either shoot or swap your weapon until the armor repair process is finished.  

The second sub-mode will repair armor one plate at a time. The user will only be able to execute the Mod if the ADS button (Left Trigger) is pressed and released within 500 ms. This mechanic ensures that the Mod won't interrupt intensive fights while repeatably aiming down sight and shooting. 

The third sub-mode will let the user enjoy both of the above configurations at once. Now, depending on the armor damage you can choose how many plates you will apply. Quickly tap the ADS button to apply one plate or double-tap on the X to apply up to 3 armor plates at once.  

LIMITATIONS: Armor Repair Assist Mod cannot be used with Auto Ping, Auto Heal and, Fast Reload simultaneously. Therefore it won’t let the user activate them at the same time. Choosing one over another will replace one by another on the LED Mod Indicator.

Want to learn more about Mega Modz Haptic Technology? Click Here

Compatible Games

Armor Repair Assist Mod was exclusively designed for Call Of Duty Warzone. Be sure to choose the sub-mode that fits your style.

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