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Auto Burst

Auto Burst

Mega Modz Auto Burst Mod For Xbox Series X/One

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At Glance

The function of Auto Burst mod is similar to Rapid Fire, except that it shoots in “bursts”. Firing in bursts will make any semi-automatic weapon perform as a “military-style” rifle. For instance, when using a single-fire semi-auto rifle such as the M14 EBR, you can simulate the burst firing. Let’s say you want it to shoot 3 shots - you will need to set a burst of 3 shots, and once you pull the Fire Trigger, your gun will shoot the desired amount of shots and will stop. Once you pull the trigger again, the process will be repeated. Auto Burst increases accuracy and eliminates recoil significantly.

Mega Modz Auto Burst mod also allows you to shoot a configured amount of shots on a quick tap of the “Fire Button”, and this is the main difference from the Rapid Fire mod. Let’s say you have configured 5 shots per burst - you will only need to tap the Fire Trigger once, and the modchip will take over on unloading one burst of 5 shots for you. You don’t have to hold it down until all shots are fired. That feature will let you focus on aiming better and make shots fired as accurate as possible.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Mega Modz modded controller offers a “programming mode” which lets the user setup custom numbers to make Auto Burst shoot as fast as the game allows.
  • Auto Burst mod is not effective for single shot weapons that have a very slow firing rate such as Bolt Action Rifles.

Auto Burst mod also offers “Tactical Feature”. Depending on the gaming situation, the mod can be disabled on the fly and then turned back on if needed.

It especially comes in handy in 2 cases:

  • When your character is carrying both, semi and fully-auto weapons at the same time. While changing between primary and secondary classes, Auto Burst can be turned ON and OFF by double tapping on the button Y.
  • When looting in Battle Royal games the user is able to have Auto Burst feature in the “awaiting mode”, allowing to quickly turn the feature ON when a semi-auto gun is picked up and switching back to “awaiting mode” if needed.

In Depth

Turning the Mod ON & OFF

To turn the Mod ON

  • Hold down the mod switch and then tap Right on the D-pad.

How To Turn Auto Burst Mod Onf

How To Turn Auto Burst Mod On

The LED 1 indicator (top left) will flash and stay lit in GREEN.

How To Turn Auto Burst Mod On

  • Then equip your soldier with any semi-automatic gun. Once your soldier is equipped, tap your fire weapon button (Right Trigger). The modchip will take over and continue pressing and releasing your fire-weapon button the number of times the mod was configured to shoot in one burst. Your semi-automatic gun will now unload a burst of configured shots on a single tap of the fire-weapon button.

Want to learn more on how LED MOD Indicator works? Click here

To turn the Mod OFF

  • Hold down the mod switch on the back.
  • Tap D-pad down button.

How To Turn Auto Burst Mod Off

How To Turn Auto Burst Mod Off

First LED will turn OFF. Auto Burst is OFF.

Checking Current Sub-Mode

Auto Burst technology offers 8 sub-modes. You can always check what sub-mode you have currently active by following these steps:

  • Make sure Auto Burst mod is ON
  • Hold down the mod button on the back
  • Hold down D-pad RIGHT button for 3 seconds

How To Check Current Auto Burst Sub-mode

How To Check Current Auto Burst Sub-mode

The LED indicator will flash all 4 slots in WHITE indicating that the modchip has entered the sub-mode checking menu. It will then show the number of a sub-mode you have currently active:

  • 1ST Sub-mode - 1 Red LED, the top left LED slot is taken
  • 2ST Sub-mode - 2 Red LEDs, top left and right slots are taken
  • 3RD Sub-mode - 3 Red LEDs, top left, top right, and bottom left slots are taken
  • 4TH Sub-mode - 4 Red LEDs
  • 5TH Sub-mode - Top Left in Green, all the rest in Red
  • 6TH Sub-mode - Top Left and Right in Green, bottom Left and Right in Red
  • 7TH Sub-mode - All LEDs are in Green except for the 4th (bottom right) 4th one is in Red
  • 8TH Sub-mode - 4 Green LEDs

How To Check Current Auto Burst Sub-mode

Upon checking the sub-mode, the modchip will automatically take you to the place you were before in 3 seconds. You are welcome to expedite the process by pressing the mod button on the back and exiting the sub-mode menu.

Want to learn more about the Sub-Modes Indication? Click here

Changing Sub-Modes

To change Auto Burst sub-modes, you will have to go thru sub-mode checking menu first (see above).

  • Hold down the mod button on the back.
  • Hold down Right on the D-pad for 3 seconds.

The LED indicator will flash all 4 slots in WHITE showing that the modchip entered the sub-mode menu. It will then show the number of a sub-mode you have active currently.

  • Use the Right Trigger to increase the number of a sub-mode or use the Left Trigger to go down on a sub-mode.
  • To save the setting, you will have to press the Mod Button.

NOTE: Keep in mind, there is a “3-second rule” that applies every time you check or change sub-modes. If you’ve been inactive for more then 3 seconds, the modchip will exit sub-mode menu automatically.

TIP: There is “Quick Sub-Mode Scroll” option available on every Mega Modz Controller allowing you to get to the desired sub-mod quickly and avoid waiting for the modchip to go through the sequence of sub-modes.
Quickly tapping the Right Trigger will increase the sub-mode number by the number of times the Right Trigger was tapped, getting you to the desired sub-mode rapidly. Quickly tapping the Left Trigger will decrease the sub-mode number by the number of times the Left Trigger was tapped, getting you to the desired sub-mode instantly.
Example: You have sub-mode number 1 active, tapping the Right Trigger 2 times quickly will take you to the sub-mode #3. Tapping on the Right Trigger 5 times quickly will take you to the sub-mode #6

There are 8 sub-modes available:

Sub-Modes Speeds Configurations Notes
1 6 SPS A burst of 2 shots Standard Auto Burst Mod
2 6 SPS A burst of 3 shots Standard Auto Burst Mod
3 6 SPS A burst of 4 shots Standard Auto Burst Mod
4 6 SPS A burst of 5 shots Standard Auto Burst Mod
5 6 SPS A burst of 2 shots Tactical (YY Tap Turns Auto Burst ON & OFF)
6 6 SPS A burst of 3 shots Tactical (YY Tap Turns Auto Burst ON & OFF)
7 6 SPS A burst of 4 shots Tactical (YY Tap Turns Auto Burst ON & OFF)
8 6 SPS A burst of 5 shots Tactical (YY Tap Turns Auto Burst ON & OFF)

NOTE: * SPS - Shots Per Second numbers are nominal and are used for identification purposes only.

TIP: Use modes 1- 4 if you have semi-auto and/or single-shot guns in your Primary and Secondary slots. Speeds can be adjusted via a programming mode in each sub-mode (more info below). It is not recommended to go any higher than 20 shots per second, as many games have speed cup set around that number. Going over the speed cup will make your semi-auto guns shot slower or will completely shut it off. In COD games speed cup is pretty low and it sits at around 12-15 SPS. Keep in mind that Auto Burst performance can be affected by the number of factors including the quality of your Internet connection and your role in the match (whether or not you are the current host of the match). Using a charging cable will also make a positive difference in response time.

TIP: Use modes 5 - 8 if you’re playing with semi and fully-auto guns in one game round, as it will allow you to quickly toggle Auto Burst ON and OFF by double tapping on the button Y (switching weapon button). Please note that you must double-tap the button Y within 500 ms in order for the function to kick in. If you tapped the button and your character switched the weapon, then you were outside 500 ms window. When Auto Burst is disabled by double tapping, the modchip will enter “Awaiting Mode”, and the top left green LED will start blinking slowly, indicating that Auto Burst has been temporarily turned OFF.

Setting Up Custom Values

Don't like the pre-tuned speed we've provided? Create-your-own!

Reprogram your Auto Burst mod to any speed from 5 shots-per-second up to 99 shots-per-second.
Auto Burst speed is programmed by individually setting the tens digit, the ones digit, and the decimal digit.
For example, if the speed is 16.2 shots per second, then "1" is the tens digit, "6" is the ones digit, and "2" is the decimal digit.

If you haven’t done so already, we strongly recommend learning how custom speeds indication works here before entering a “Programming Mode”.

Let's begin!

  • Turn ON Auto Burst and scroll to the sub-mode you would like to edit.
  • Hold the mod switch on the back and then tap the Sync(Connect) button. All four LEDs will light up in WHITE to let you know that it’s waiting for further input.
  • Tap right on the D-pad and the modchip will take to the tens digits slot. Let’s say your speed started at 4 shots per second. The mod will light up the “tens” digit on all 4 LEDs In this case, the tens digit is 0 (since you’re at 4 shots, there’s no digit in the tens place). The mod will glow all 4 LEDs in yellow to indicate a “0”
  • Tap the Right Trigger to increase the tens digit or tap the Left Trigger to decrease the tens digit. The mod will blink LEDs to let you know what the current number is. When you’re happy with the number →
  • Tap the mod switch to move to the next number. Now we’re at the “ones” digit and you can adjust the numbers here. Follow the procedure from above.
  • Tap the Left Trigger to decrease the ones digit, and tap the Right Trigger to increase the ones digit.
  • Tap the mod switch to save that digit and move to the decimal place.
  • Lastly, we’re at the decimal place. Follow the procedure from above to change the numbers (if needed) one last time.
  • Tap the Left Trigger to decrease the decimal, and tap the Right Trigger to increase the decimal.
  • Tap the mod switch to save your selection. The mod will blink all 4 LEDs in red 3 times very quickly and exit the programming menu saving the last setting.

NOTE: The controller will always remember the last programming speed you have before powering down.

There is an “8-second rule” that applies every time you enter “Programming Mode”. If you’ve been inactive for more then 8 seconds, the modchip will exit the programming menu automatically.

TIP: There is “Quick Speed Scroll” option available on every Mega Modz Controller allowing you to get to the desired speed quickly and avoid waiting for the modchip to go through the sequence of speeds.
Quickly tapping the Right Trigger a number of times increases the speed number by the number of times the Right Trigger was tapped, getting you to the desired speed quickly.
Quickly tapping the Left Trigger a number of times decrease the speed number by the number of times the Left Trigger was tapped, getting you to the desired speed quickly.
Example: You have speed number 1 active, tapping the Right Trigger 2 times quickly will take you to the speed 3. Tapping on the Right Trigger 5 times quickly will take you to the speed 6.

If you would like to only check custom numbers in a certain sub-mode, then, after entering a programming mode and pressing right on the D-pad, you can see the numbers in the slots without changing them by pressing the mod button and skipping the adjustment part.

It will look like this:
1. Scroll to the sub-mode you would like to check
2. Enter a programming Mode
3. Tap right on the D-pad to get into Auto Burst custom speeds
4. First digit slot you’ll see is the tens. See the number and press the mod button
5. Second digit slot is the ones. See the numbers and press the mod button.
6. Third digit slot is the decimals. See the numbers and press the mod button to exit the programming menu.

Compatible Games

Auto Burst mod is compatible with all first-person shooter games on the market such as Call Of Duty, Destiny, Fortnite, Battlefield and many others. It can be also compatible with 3rd person shooter games, as long as the game features semi-auto guns and the fire button is the Right Trigger.

Happy shooting!

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