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Mega Modz Nintendo Switch Pro LED Controller

Mega Modz Nintendo Switch Pro LED Controller


The Mega Modz Nintendo Switch LED Mod offers 7 illuminating colors: red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, cyan, And 2 additional sub-modes with slow and fast blinking, cycling through all available colors. RGB Lighting can be turned OFF at any time. The user can also mix and match their LED Illumination in 6 individual controller button areas independently or turn off the color of any button area at any time.

The button areas are the following:

  • Right Stick
  • D-pad
  • Left Stick
  • ABXY
  • Bumpers
  • Triggers




There are 3 stock controller buttons involved in the process of configuring LED Illumination on the Mega Modz RGB Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.

The configuring buttons are the following:

  • L (Left Bumper)
  • D-Pad Right Button
  • Y Button
Picture showing LED Indicator

Depending on the operational step a combination of these buttons needs to be either quickly pressed or held down for a certain amount of time.

Turning the Controller LED Illuminating Areas ON and OFF

To turn the Controller’s Illuminating components ON, please follow the steps below:

— Hold down the L (Left Bumper), then press and hold the D-Pad Right Button, then press and hold the Y Button for approximately 7 seconds (the timer kicks In when all 3 buttons are pressed).

Picture showing LED Indicator

All Illuminating Areas on the controller will light up according to the last saved configuration.

— Use the same steps as above to turn the Illumination OFF. Please keep in mind that turning the controller off won’t automatically turn the Illumination off. It’s a manual step that is recommended to preserve the controller battery charge.

Entering a Programming Mode Menu

Programming mode allows the user to change illuminating colors/modes in the individual button areas. 
In order to enter a Programming Mode please follow the steps below:

— Hold down the L (Left Bumper), then press and hold the Y Button for approximately 7 seconds (the timer kicks In when both buttons are pressed). The Right Thumbstick will start blinking, indicating that the programming mode has been entered.

Picture showing LED Indicator

Now the user has 3 options:

  • Change the Right Stick Color/Mod.
  • Move to the next button area.
  • Exit the Programming Mode Menu (The steps are the same as entering the programming mode menu---see above).


Setting Up Different LED Colors In the Button Areas (1st Option)

— Enter a Programming Mod menu (see above).
— To change the Right Stick LED color/mod (or any other area) quickly press the D-Pad Right to go to the next color/mod or quickly press the L (Left Bumper) to go to the previous color/mod.

Picture showing LED Indicator

Please refer to the table below with LED color mods.

  • Illumination Is OFF in the area, but globally the Illumination is ON. Once in the programming mode, the area will stay turned OFF.
  • Red Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Red with 2-second pauses.
  • Green Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Green with 2-second pauses.
  • Blue Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Blue with 2-second pauses.
  • Yellow Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Yellow with 2-second pauses.
  • Pink Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Pink with 2-second pauses.
  • Purple Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Purple with 2-second pauses.
  • Cyan Color. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks in Cyan with 2-second pauses.
  • Slow Blinking Mod. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks quickly in multiple colors with 3-second pauses.
  • Fast Blink Mode. Once in the programming mode, the area blinks quickly in multiple colors with 3-second pauses.

When satisfied with the settings move to the next button area by quickly pressing the L (Left Bumper) and the Y Buttons simultaneously (2nd Option).

Picture showing LED Indicator

Please refer to the table below with LED Button Areas:

  • Right Stick
  • D-pad
  • Left Stick
  • ABXY Buttons
  • Bumpers (L & R)
  • Triggers (ZL & ZR)

Please note that when moving between the button areas you can only go forward (1-6-1).

— When arrive at the area configure the color/mode (1st Option).
— When satisfied with the settings in all areas exit the Programming Mode Menu by holding down the L (Left Bumper) and the Y Buttons for approx 7 seconds at the same time (3rd Option).

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