Hi Rebel,
Drop Shot/Jump Shot has multiple configurations. You will need to change sub-modes in order to be able to use Jump Shot.
Please refer to the instructions
If you let us know the exact weapon setup you use (gun + all attachments included) we will be able to find "Unit Delays" for that particular gun setup and you can try it out again.
Looks like you have the Quick Scope Mod activated. The Auto Burst Mod alone doesn't let you shoot when you aim. What it does is that it sets up a number of shots in one burst for semi auto and single-shot weapons. It's best to use it with Marksman Rifles as it greatly reduces recoil and improves accuracy. The other major difference to Rapid Fire Mod is that your gun will shoot a number of shots on a single press as opposed to holding the Fire Button down when you perform Rapid Fire Mod.
Thank you for the feedback!!!